I have charms dating all the way back to my childhood. Some I’ve held on to for memory and have no intention of wearing while others have lately been seeing the light of day. I play around with them to see what works and this is one of my favorite current combos. The round disc from Devon Woodhill Jewelry paired with a simple diamond. It’s fun reworking old treasures and I like the feeling of wearing something I’ve had for a long time. It adds meaning and makes me happy.

I am sentimental and plan to pass along treasures to my grandchildren. One is the gift my in-laws gave each other for their 25th wedding anniversary. One is a diamond necklace and the other is the same design but a tie clip which I will have made into a necklace. Both granddaughters will get a necklace on their 16th birthday!
Nadine Rosenthal
You are making me think that I should get out my charm bracelet.